1. Una Famiglia (Movie, 2017) - MovieMeter.com
Una Famiglia plot. At first glance, Vincent and Maria look like any other couple. He is protective, she is passionate. But who knows what happens behind ...
Drama movie directed by Sebastiano Riso. With Patrick Bruel, Micaela Ramazzotti and Fortunato Cerlino.

2. 'A Family' ('Una famiglia'): Film Review | Venice 2017
4 sep 2017 · Micaela Ramazzotti and Patrick Bruel star in a seedy story of abuse and surrogacy in Sebastiano Riso's dramatic second feature, 'A Family. '
Micaela Ramazzotti and Patrick Bruel star in a seedy story of abuse and surrogacy in Sebastiano Riso's dramatic second feature, 'A Family.'

3. Venice 2017: Una Famiglia review - CineVue
4 sep 2017 · A claustrophobic, scuzzy drama about a couple engaged in the illicit trade of selling babies. It's a dour, monotonous, predictable and dull effort that doesn't ...
★☆☆☆☆ Sebastiano Riso flies the Italian flag on the Lido with his new film Una Famiglia, a claustrophobic, scuzzy drama about a couple engaged...

4. Una Famiglia - Jack Blackwell – Film Reviews
Bevat niet: plot | Resultaten tonen met:plot
Even giving it some very serious thought, I’d struggle to come up with a recent film I’ve hated more fervently than Sebastiano Riso’s risible, morally disgusting Una Famiglia. It’s a melodrama abou…

5. Film Review: 'A Family' - Variety
4 sep 2017 · Sebastiano Rosi's heavy-handed, Rome-set melodrama takes some swipes at social conservatism while cherishing the dream of a traditional ...
Happy endings will be hard to come by in Italian director Sebastiano Riso's overlong, overwrought melodrama.

6. Una famiglia: A family always has secrets - Cineuropa
5 sep 2017 · ... 2017 - VENICE 2017: Sebastiano Riso's second film, in ... Instead, Riso's story focuses on the twisted relationship of a couple ...
See AlsoAnders Morgenthaler Action Films05/09/2017 - VENICE 2017: Sebastiano Riso's second film, in competition for the Golden Lion, tackles the dramatic theme of the black market for newborn babies

7. Una Famiglia - Venice 2017 Review - One Room With A View
4 sep 2017 · A vile, misjudged melodrama about intensely dislikable people, Una Famiglia is worth avoiding at all costs. Our review from Venice 2017.
A vile, misjudged melodrama about intensely dislikable people, Una Famiglia is worth avoiding at all costs. Our review from Venice 2017.
8. Una Famiglia | BAC Films
Bevat niet: plot | Resultaten tonen met:plot
BAC Films specializes in developing, financing, producing and releasing cutting edge independent films for the French market and beyond.

9. Una famiglia - Cineuropa
UNA FAMIGLIA ; country: Italy, France ; sales agent: BAC Films ; year: 2017 ; genre: fiction ; directed by: Sebastiano Riso.
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema

10. Una famiglia - Film (2017) - MYmovies.it
4 sep 2017 · Il diritto alla maternità di una coppia si scontra con la latitanza dello Stato. Pur di esaudire il loro desiderio dovranno fare i conti con ...
Una famiglia - Un film di Sebastiano Riso. Drammatico, Italia, Francia, 2017. Un'opera