1. Peter Gidal: Volume One - Google Books
Peter Gidal: Volume One. Front Cover. LUX, 2006 - 995 pages. Peter Gidal's films have been an influence on several generations of artists. An important ...
Peter Gidal's films have been an influence on several generations of artists. An important theorist and writer as well as a filmmaker since the late 1960s, Gidal was a pioneer of 'structural-materialist' film and his work has been shown around the world.
2. Tags: Peter Gidal - Experimental Cinema
Peter Gidal is an English film writer, theoretician, and filmmaker. Born in 1946. Gidal studied theatre, psychology and literature at Brandeis University, ...
Peter Gidal is an English film writer, theoretician, and filmmaker. Born in 1946. Gidal studied theatre, psychology and literature at Brandeis University, Massachussets, 1964-68, and the University of Munich from 1966-7. He studied at the Royal College of Art from 1968-71 where he went on to teach Advanced Film Studies until 1984. He was an active member of the since 1969, and Cinema Programmer there from 1971-4. Co-founder of the Independent Film-makers' Association, 1975, he served as a member of the British Film Institute Production Board, 1978-81.
3. Peter Gidal - CCA Kitakyushu
Peter Gidal. Peter Gidal. Filmmaker. 2000/2006. This post is also available in: Japanese. Category. Artist. Artist. Peter Gidal. Gallery. CCA. 日本語 · English.
4. Peter Gidal - Monoskop
Bevat niet: 2006 | Resultaten tonen met:2006
Wiki for Arts and Studies
5. Peter Gidal's anti-narrative: An art of reprisal reappraised | Intellect
1 apr 2013 · I will contest the historical reputation of Gidal and to some extent his own presentation of himself as an outsider (2006) with the argument ...
In this article I will reassess the ideas of artist, intellectual and educator Peter Gidal, who, unlike his similarly positioned contemporaries Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen, is not well remembered today outside avant-garde film histories and readerships. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, in a series of publications through the BFI press, in more artists’ film-focused journals such as Afterimage and Undercut, and, most significantly in the then leading film theory journal Screen, Gidal argued the centrality of the avant-garde, especially a local British expression he termed ‘structural/materialist’ film. Drawing on previous studies of Gidal by Deke Dusinberre (1976) and D. N. Rodowick (1988), and also the study of intellectual, literary and artistic fields by Pierre Bourdieu (1993), I propose, notwithstanding the lack of current interest in screen studies in the avant-garde and its association with the ‘teleologies of negation’ (James Donald 1989), a reappraisal of the significance and relevance of Gidal’s contribution to the theorization and practice of cinema in higher education. I will contest the historical reputation of Gidal and to some extent his own presentation of himself as an outsider (2006) with the argument that he simultaneously challenged and developed ideas central to screen studies to their most extreme and difficult conclusion. Gidal’s enduring influence on artists’ film in Britain has been acknowledged, but his contribution to screen theory is much less widel...
6. Peter Gidal. volume one by Gidal, Peter - E-library - Ulster University
Catalogue Peter Gidal. volume one. Peter Gidal. volume one. Gidal, Peter. DVD. English. Published London: Lux, [2006]. Available at Belfast.
See AlsoAnders Morgenthaler Action FilmsGidal, Peter
7. Practice Always Precedes Theory: Interview with Peter Gidal
... Peter Gidal, “Matter's Time Time for Material”, in Experimental Film and Video: An Anthology, ed. By Jackie Hattield, John Libbey Publishing, 2006, p. 22 ...
Practice Always Precedes Theory: Interview with Peter Gidal
8. Peter Gidal: Flare Out - Mark Webber
For five decades, Peter Gidal has sought to problematize the film-viewing process by creating works that resist recognition and identification.
Date: 23 October 2016 | Season: Peter Gidal: Flare Out
9. Peter Gidal | Experimental Cinema
Poole S, Evans G, Littman S, Weinbren G, Gidal P, Welsby C, Hamlyn N, Parker J, Gawthrop R, McCall A et al.. 2006. Experimental Film and Video: An Anthology ...
Peter Gidal es un escritor de cine, teórico y cineasta inglés. Nacido en 1946, Gidal estudió teatro, psicología y literaturaen la Brandeis University, Massachussets, 1964-68, y en la Unversidad de Munich en 1966-7. Estudió en el Royal College of Art en 1968-71 sonde más tarde enseñaria Estudios Avanzados de Cine hasta el año 1984. Fue miembro activo de la desde 1969, y Programador de Cine allí en los años 1971-4.
10. Shoot shoot shoot : British avant-garde film of the 1960s & 1970s
Peter Gidal (Director), Stephen Dwoskin (Director), Jeff Keen (Director) ... DVD Video, No Linguistic Content, ©2006. Edition: View all formats and ...
11. Peter Gidal: Flare Out - Mark Webber
Peter Gidal and Mark Webber will introduce a screening of Gidal's ... Expanded Cinema 2006 · Andy Warhol Tate 2002 · The Essential Frame · Underground ...
Date: 16 March 2016 | Season: Peter Gidal: Flare Out
12. [PDF] The Elusive Digital Frame and the Elasticity of Time in Painting Anne ...
Film 1973 (Gidal 1973) Peter Gidal. This work (much of which is documented ... 2006). See: http://www.emmahart.info/hartdrew.html. Mirza and Butler's ...